10 Best Engagement Rings and Wedding Rings in 2022 - Black Diamonds New York

10 Best Engagement Rings and Wedding Rings in 2022

Getting engaged and finally getting married to that special person is one of life’s most exciting moments. What better way to celebrate those moments than with a custom-made ring from the heart. Whether intimate and...
Cool Engagement Rings: How To Find the Perfect Engagement Ring - Black Diamonds New York

Cool Engagement Rings: How To Find the Perfect Engagement Ring

Did you know that more than 1.6 million people in the United States alone get married every year? With so many marriages, it only makes sense for there to be a very large selection of...
Cute Engagement Rings: 12 Tips for Picking a Ring That Fits Your Style - Black Diamonds New York

Cute Engagement Rings: 12 Tips for Picking a Ring That Fits Your Style

Engagement rings have graced the fingers of engaged couples since the time of the ancient Romans. Since then, they've gone from simple bands to ornate diamond and gemstone rings.  When picking the ideal engagement ring,...
A Complete Guide to Choosing a Coffin Engagement Ring - Black Diamonds New York

A Complete Guide to Choosing a Coffin Engagement Ring

Did you know that the overall design of an engagement ring was voted the most important by 86.2% of brides? We understand that you're looking for the perfect engagement ring for your partner. You want...
The Ultimate Guide to Wearing a Gothic Ring Set - Black Diamonds New York

The Ultimate Guide to Wearing a Gothic Ring Set

Did you know that the oldest piece of jewelry is more than 150,000 years old? Since then, people have loved making and wearing jewelry to express their unique and personal styles. Today, there are all...
What Are Sona Simulated Diamonds? - Black Diamonds New York

What Are Sona Simulated Diamonds?

Did you know that most diamonds are worth around $6,000 per carat? If you're getting a diamond with multiple carats, you can imagine that the price would quickly start to pile up. Of course, not...
Unusual Engagement Rings: Video Game Inspired Jewelry - Black Diamonds New York

Unusual Engagement Rings: Video Game Inspired Jewelry

It's 2022, and much has changed in love, life, and the marriage game. Pop culture is everywhere and is now what ties people together, even in marriage.  Many people meet their partners through games and...
A Complete Guide to Unique Gold Engagement Rings - Black Diamonds New York

A Complete Guide to Unique Gold Engagement Rings

Did you know that the oldest piece of jewelry discovered so far is a set of beads made around 150,000 years ago? Of course, jewelry today is much more refined and can include many different...
7 Tips for Shopping for Silver Engagement Rings - Black Diamonds New York

7 Tips for Shopping for Silver Engagement Rings

Out of all of the gifts that someone could shop for or receive, an engagement ring would have to top the list. Since it symbolizes a person’s intention to fully commit to someone else, a...